A community of connected and thriving families.
LaFF is a Family Centre for families and caregivers from Ladysmith and surrounding areas with children up to the age of 6 which provides inclusive, interactive opportunities for the development of children, families and community.
To provide inclusive, interactive opportunities for the development of children, families and community.
LaFF is an accredited member of the BC Assn of Family Resource Programs offering programming for families with children ages 0-6. Parents, children, grandparents, volunteers, and care givers meet at LaFF to access programming that addresses the key Determinants of Health.
Join Us
LaFF is a non-profit society offering a supportive and enriching resource program for children and families. As part of our goal of maintaining stable programming and on- going community engagement, we are looking for commitment from LaFF participants/supporters/community by becoming society members.
“Thank you for being an incredible support and shoulder to lean on. Even though we have not been able to see you all on a daily basis, I know that I can have help and support in an instant! You are all so incredible and I am so grateful you are my community.”
— E. ( Participant )