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LaFF Mornings

  • Ladysmith Family and Friends 1110 1st Avenue South Ladysmith. BC Canada (map)

LaFF Mornings

A drop-in program held inside Aggie Hall (1110-1st Ave, Ladysmith) between 9:30-12 for children ages 0-6yrs old and their caregivers (parents, grandparents, relatives, caregivers, etc.).

An opportunity to gather and connect with other families and LaFF facilitators, build community, play and engage in activities as well as access LaFF’s free clothing exchange and food pantry.

We look forward to gathering . . . .

Suggested min donation of $4 per family, cash or e-transfer ( or pick up a LaFF Pass from staff.

Sponsored LaFF Passes are available – ask a LaFF facilitator. Thank you Ladysmith & District Credit Union and Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary.

April 24

LaFF Mornings

April 29

LaFF Mornings